Many successful people are perfectionists. At the same time, they have the ability to say “Done is Better Than Perfect” and just complete and wrap up a project. What is the best way to overcome the stalling and procrastination that perfectionism causes? How does one overcome the fear of potential critique or the fear of not being successful?
For the purpose of today I will explain perfectionism like this: a person’s concern with striving for flawlessness and perfection, nearly always accompanied by critical self-evaluations and worry about what others think.
What are the positive aspects of being a perfectionist?
Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?
There is definitely a fine balance. Some “positive” aspects of perfectionism may include characteristics such as perseverance and resilience — finding that inner strength to have another go, knowing that you can produce something better.
Read the rest of my interview in Authority Magazine here…